The program can find out the current IP address of the main
network adapter, as well as the addresses and some details of
other adapters that are currently connected. If you have the
option of tracking enabled, it will make a beeping sound when IP
addresses are changing. It also has a small event log. The program
is useful when you are setting up network programs.
Interface: Win
Language: English
License: FreeWare

RusPO Relay
This is a flexible, versatile and reliable solution for controlling
different analogue audio devices remotely, such as transceivers,
radios and intercoms, and for connecting them through networks. It
also allows you to establish a direct and permanent audio channel
between two points (computers).
It reliably transmits sound in bad networks and has original ways of
connecting devices. It is possible to work for long periods without
supervision. It is perfect for professional communication and radio
amateurs (hams).

This special tool lets the distributor or user change the whole
RusPO program (which has a Localizator interface based on English)
into any local language easily.
Using the tool means translating the words and phrases that make up
the user interface elements, which are grouped in the table. The
generated file is then written to replace the original file. After
restarting, you can see the menu and other interface elements
translated into the local language.